1 Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)
2 James Madison, Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments (1785)
3 Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1786)
4 James Madison, Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
5 Constitution of the United States (1787)
6 Brutus I (1787)
7 Publius (Alexander Hamilton), The Federalist No 1 (1787)
8 Brutus II (1787)
9 Publius (James Madison), The Federalist No 10 (1787)
10 Publius (James Madison), The Federalist No 51 (1788)
11 James Madison, Speech on Amendments to the Constitution (1789)
12 George Washington, Letter to the Hebrew Congregation (1790)
13 Bill of Rights (1791)
14 James Madison, “Property” (1792)
15 George Washington, Farewell Address (1796)
16 Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address (1801)
17 Supreme Court of the United States, Marbury v Madison (1803)
18 Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Holmes (1820)
19 James Monroe, Monroe Doctrine (1823)
20 Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Henry Lee (1825)
21 Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Roger C Weightman (1826)
22 Daniel Webster and Robert Y Hayne, Debates (1830)
23 John C Calhoun, Fort Hill Address (1831)
24 Andrew Jackson, Veto Message of the Bill on the Bank of the United States (1832)
25 Andrew Jackson, Proclamation Regarding Nullification (1832)
26 John C Calhoun, Speech on the Oregon Bill (June 27, 1848)
27 Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” (1852)
28 Abraham Lincoln, Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise (1854)
29 Supreme Court of the United States, Dred Scott v Sandford (1857)
30 Abraham Lincoln, Fragment on the Constitution and Union (1861)
31 Alexander H Stephens, “Corner Stone” Speech (1861)
32 Abraham Lincoln, Final Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
33 Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address (1863)
34 Abraham Lincoln, Resolution on the 13th Amendment (1865)
35 Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address (1865)
36 Frederick Douglass, Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln (1876)
37 Supreme Court of the United States, Plessy v Ferguson (1896)
38 Theodore Roosevelt, Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1904)
39 Theodore Roosevelt, New Nationalism Speech (1910)
40 Progressive Party Platform of 1912
41 Woodrow Wilson, “Fourteen Points” Message (1918)
42 Calvin Coolidge, Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence (1926)
43 Franklin D Roosevelt, Commonwealth Club Address (1932)
44 Herbert Hoover, Speech on the New Deal (1932)
45 Franklin D Roosevelt, 1944 State of the Union Address (1944)
46 George Kennan, The Long Telegram (1946)
47 Supreme Court, Brown v Board of Education(1954 and 1955)
48 Martin Luther King, Jr, “I Have a Dream” Speech (1963)
49 Lyndon B Johnson, “Great Society” Speech (1964)
50 Ronald Reagan, “A Time for Choosing” (1964)