The worlds largest Collection of
Survival, Preparedness, Government &
US Military Books, Manuals & Trainings
The Complete Library of Over 10,567 Titles!
Immediately Available to Download Online.
Everything you will ever need to Know
to Survive Anything!
Let me tell you how this incredible library came to be...
As the Emergency Manager for a large east coast city, I was responsible for planning and preparing for anything that could happen. I took an All-Hazards approach in preparing for any inevitability. “An all-hazards approach is an integrated approach to emergency preparedness planning that focuses on capacities and capabilities that are critical to preparedness for a full spectrum of emergencies or disasters, including internal emergencies and a man-made emergency (or both) and natural disaster.” 

I was lucky in that we were located in a FEMA-EPZ (Emergency Preparedness Zone) because of our proximity to a Nuclear Power Facility. That meant that we were given extra funding, materials, and access to information that most municipalities were not.

From the very beginning I noticed A Big Problem that there was no Central Repository of Information available to me in-case of the whole network going down. Sure, I had generators to give me electricity and some limited stockpiles of food & water and even Nuclear-EMP hardened computers. As I looked over the millions of dollars in equipment & supplies I had, I saw the weak link...
"The information Network"

What if i did not have the ability to research, look up, download, communicate, or email? And what if this wasn't coming back any time soon?
What if the Calvary wasn't coming and I (We) were on our own.
I have had some great training in my life. I'm former active-duty Marine, a former law enforcement officer and now the Director of Emergency Management...

But I'm smart enough to know that I don't know everything.

That is when I made the decision to embark upon a journey that would consume me for the next Five Years. I made it my mission to put together the most comprehensive collection of Survival related books, manuals, trainings, and resources anywhere in the world and have them Right Here - At My Fingertips. That would give me the knowledge to Survive Anything - Long Term, not for just a few days or a month and even if I was all on my own with No Help Coming.
  • Natural Disasters. Tornado, Tsunami, Earthquake, Hurricane, Pandemic, Plague, Avalanches, Blizzards, Droughts, Environmental, Wildfires, Floods, Heat Waves, Ice Storms, Landslides, Tropical Cyclones, Derecho Events, Volcanic Eruptions...
  • Man Made Disasters. War, Explosions, Terrorism, Riots, Environmental, Fire, Germ Warfare, Social Unrest, Aviation Accidents, Maritime Disasters, Rail Accidents, Road Accidents, Industrial Disasters, Natural Gas & Oil Production Accidents, Structural Failures & Collapses, Bridge Failures, Dam Failures, Levee Failures, Mast & Tower collapses, Modern Infrastructure Failures, Mining Disasters, Oil & Hazmat Spills...
  • Health Emergencies. Pandemic, Plague, famines, Where to get Medicines and Natural Cures & Remedies, Food Contamination Incidents, Epidemics, Mass Casualty Incidents, Mass Evacuations, Medicine Contamination Incidents, Methanol Poisoning Incidents...
  • Nuclear Emergencies. Power Plant Accidents, Terrorism, Orphan Radioactive Source Incidents, Atomic Weapons, Fallout...
  • Space Related Emergencies. Solar Storms (E.M.P. from the Sun), Collision & Falling Debris, spaceflight-related accidents, and incidents...
  • Military Attack & Invasion. We like to think of the USA as invincible, but history shows there is no such thing. We all need to know how to defend ourselves.
  • Personal Defense & Emergencies. We all need to know how to take care of ourselves, whether in a Fistfight, with a Handgun or a Long Gun and we need to know First Aid.
These are some of the types of incidents that I set out to get information on, but I wanted to go even deeper. I wanted to know the skills and techniques used by the pioneers who settled and build this great country we have today. Before electricity, cars, railroads, and huge factories so I started acquiring old manuals and books from as far back as the early 1700 and 1800's. Some of these treasures haven't been in print for hundreds of years. I searched flea markets, estate sales, old used bookstores, libraries, private collectors and anywhere I could find them, and I found an unbelievable amount of lost information about things we take for granted today. This is just a small sampling of the topics I uncovered and included in this package...
  • Hunting
  • ​​Fishing 
  • ​​Raising And Caring for Livestock
  • ​​Starting A Fire 
  • ​​Handling Firewood 
  • ​​Cooking Over an Open Fire 
  • ​​Growing A Variety of Foods
  • ​​Seed Harvesting & Saving  Skills
  • ​​Orchard Creation and
  • ​Management 
  • ​​Composting 
  • ​​Weather Forecasting 
  • ​​Herbal Medicine 
  • ​​Using Charcoal 
  • ​Make Homemade Cleaning Products ​
  • ​Food Preservation
  • ​Techniques 
  • ​​Build A Root Cellar 
  • ​Grinding Wheat and Other Grains
  • ​Cooking Food from Scratch
  • ​Baking Bread
  • ​Planning Meals According to The Season 
  • ​​Candle Making
  • ​Home-brewing 
  • ​​Beekeeping Skills 
  • ​​Maximizing Milk Production 
  • ​​Making Dairy Products 
  • ​​Butchering 
  • ​​Tanning And Trapping Skills 
  • ​​Weaving, Knitting and
  • ​Crocheting Skills
  • ​Well Drilling 
  • ​​Dealing With Waste 
  • ​​Repurpose Thing & Recycling Skills
  • ​​Carpentry Technique and Skills 
  • ​​Masonry And Stone
  • ​First-Aid and Medical Related Skills
  • ​​​Construction Skills
  • ​​Insect Repellent's 
  • ​​Handling Predators and Pest
  • ​​Foraging Skills 
  • ​​Gunsmithing 
  • ​​How To Manage Firearms Safely
  • ​​Storing Dried Herbs & Spices
  • ​​Basic Life Skills 
  • ​​Tool Sharpening Skills 
  • ​​Tying Knots 
  • ​​Bartering and Training Skills 
  • ​​Making Homemade Skin Care Products 
  • ​​Making Your Own Entertainment 
  • ​​Organizational Skills 
  • ​Thinking Ahead 
  • ​​Having The Right Mindset
These skills are essential to know if we truly want to be prepared for the worst contingencies. And remember the idea is not to read all these 10,000+ books ahead of time, but to have them available at your fingertips in a moment's notice when you need them the most. The last thing you want is to try it and find the information when you have no access communications lines or the Internet, all the libraries are closed, and the hoodlums are banging on the door. 

Ultimate Survival Course

The Ultimate Survival Course teaches you everything you will need to
know about surviving and thriving in times of disaster & hardship.

"Unprepared Families Beware: Why Ignoring This Course Might Be the BIGGEST Mistake of Your Life!"
Modern life is unpredictable, and the unexpected strikes when we least anticipate it. 
Are you 100% certain that you've equipped your loved ones with the life-saving knowledge they truly deserve?

What Will You Discover Inside?
  • Secret Survival Techniques:
    Why are elite families guarding these jealously?
  • Children's Safety Protocols:  
    The ones schools DON'T teach but absolutely SHOULD!
  • Crisis Management 101:  
    Could you handle chaos if it came knocking on your door?
  • ​Wilderness & Urban Mastery:
    Because threats don't always come from where you expect!
  • Long Term Planning & Storage:
    Food, Water, Medicine, Energy
  • Self Defense
  • ​and Much More...

Emergency Binder

The "In Case of Emergency Preparedness Binder"
provide quick access to all your critical information,
updated and readily available – all in one place.

In times of disaster, emergency or unfortunate events, avoid the hassle of sifting through outdated statements, files, and folders to manage your finances, assets and other needed information. 
During a medical emergency, loss, natural disaster, or power outage - you could find yourself
scrambling and unprepared.
We've created 15 Categories with detailed guides, forms, and checklists to help you keep all your vital
information & contacts in one place.
Be prepared for any situation and quickly find what you need–when you or your family need it!

Fillable, Step-by-Step PDF Guides:
We've made this so easy for you!

Your personal, medical, financial, and other important information can be easily
input in our step-by-step guides & checklists.
1. Just fill in the form fields in the pdf. You can also print and fill them out with a pen if you prefer.
2. Save your printed files in a binder or digital files
(along with digital photos, documents, and videos) 

CIA - Ultimate
Conversational Hypnosis

The Mind-Blowing CIA Secret Techniques
That Enable You to Control Virtually Every Move &
Decision That Others Make by Simply Talking to Them!

  • 18 Audio Modules & ​Complete Transcription of All Modules
  • Master the art of negotiation
  • Have those you desire chasing after you
  • ​Never be taken advantage of again
  • ​Get anyone to do just about anything you want them to do
  • ​And do it, when you want them to do it
  • ​And much more...
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how the most persuasive and influential people in the world can “magically” control others with nothing more than their words, listen up and listen good.

What you are about to discover is the only method known to man, taught at the CIA "Farm" to new recruits, that enables one human to covertly maneuver the mind of another in a way that is so camouflaged, that those being treated as puppets are often thankful for the experience afterwards!

This very powerful formula that embodies Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is built on the platform of the teachings of pioneers like Dr. Milton Erickson and Ivan Pavlov who together changed the world forever. That is something you simply cannot put a price tag on.

What Exactly is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
Founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is a widely accepted skill-set system built on the relationship between one’s neurology, language and programming and the powerful impact that relationship have on one’s life.
These three components are what typically make up every experience we have as humans.
Our Neurological System is responsible for every single function of the body.
Our Language is the avenue which we use to communicate.
And our Programming sets forth a vision of the world as we see it.
The techniques encapsulated in NLP are based on the behavioral pattern discoveries of Dr. Milton Erikson, who founded the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He is arguably the most clinically successful psychiatrist who ever lived. The CIA then took these principles and mastered, perfected and implemented the most powerful system of influence available today.


With great power comes great responsibility.
Do you think you are ready to have such power bestowed upon you?

State Preparedness Directory

Find Local Resources in Time of Need

The State Preparedness Directory (SPD) is a comprehensive resource that provides detailed information on emergency preparedness and response capabilities of each state within the country. 
  • State-specific profiles: Detailed breakdowns of each state's emergency management infrastructure, resources, contact information, and risk assessments.
  • Emergency contacts: A listing of key emergency contacts for each state, including emergency management agencies, public health departments, and regional disaster response teams.
  • Interstate coordination: Information on agreements and partnerships between states to facilitate a coordinated response during regional or multi-state incidents.
Designed as a reference for state officials, emergency responders, and the general public, the SPD consolidates critical data that can be utilized to enhance preparedness efforts and streamline response coordination in the event of natural disasters, public health emergencies, or other crises.

50 Greatest
American Documents

1 Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)
2 James Madison, Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments (1785)
3 Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1786)
4 James Madison, Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
5 Constitution of the United States (1787)
6 Brutus I (1787)
7 Publius (Alexander Hamilton), The Federalist No 1 (1787)
8 Brutus II (1787)
9 Publius (James Madison), The Federalist No 10 (1787)
10 Publius (James Madison), The Federalist No 51 (1788)
11 James Madison, Speech on Amendments to the Constitution (1789)
12 George Washington, Letter to the Hebrew Congregation (1790)
13 Bill of Rights (1791)
14 James Madison, “Property” (1792)
15 George Washington, Farewell Address (1796)
16 Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address (1801)
17 Supreme Court of the United States, Marbury v Madison (1803)
18 Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Holmes (1820)
19 James Monroe, Monroe Doctrine (1823)
20 Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Henry Lee (1825)
21 Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Roger C Weightman (1826)
22 Daniel Webster and Robert Y Hayne, Debates (1830)
23 John C Calhoun, Fort Hill Address (1831)
24 Andrew Jackson, Veto Message of the Bill on the Bank of the United States (1832)
25 Andrew Jackson, Proclamation Regarding Nullification (1832)

26 John C Calhoun, Speech on the Oregon Bill (June 27, 1848)
27 Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” (1852)
28 Abraham Lincoln, Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise (1854)
29 Supreme Court of the United States, Dred Scott v Sandford (1857)
30 Abraham Lincoln, Fragment on the Constitution and Union (1861)
31 Alexander H Stephens, “Corner Stone” Speech (1861)
32 Abraham Lincoln, Final Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
33 Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address (1863)
34 Abraham Lincoln, Resolution on the 13th Amendment (1865)
35 Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address (1865)
36 Frederick Douglass, Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln (1876)
37 Supreme Court of the United States, Plessy v Ferguson (1896)
38 Theodore Roosevelt, Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1904)
39 Theodore Roosevelt, New Nationalism Speech (1910)
40 Progressive Party Platform of 1912
41 Woodrow Wilson, “Fourteen Points” Message (1918)
42 Calvin Coolidge, Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence (1926)
43 Franklin D Roosevelt, Commonwealth Club Address (1932)
44 Herbert Hoover, Speech on the New Deal (1932)
45 Franklin D Roosevelt, 1944 State of the Union Address (1944)
46 George Kennan, The Long Telegram (1946)
47 Supreme Court, Brown v Board of Education(1954 and 1955)
48 Martin Luther King, Jr, “I Have a Dream” Speech (1963)
49 Lyndon B Johnson, “Great Society” Speech (1964)
50 Ronald Reagan, “A Time for Choosing” (1964)

Harvard Classics

In a post-apocalyptic world, where resources are scarce, and the pursuit of knowledge becomes an invaluable asset, reading the "Harvard Classics" takes on even greater significance. Here are the benefits of engaging with this curated collection of essential texts in such a dire and challenging environment:

     Preservation of Knowledge: The Harvard Classics serve as a repository of human knowledge and wisdom. In a post-apocalyptic scenario where libraries and educational institutions may have been lost or destroyed, these books become a lifeline to preserve the intellectual heritage of humanity.

    Survival Skills: Many classic texts contain practical knowledge about agriculture, engineering, medicine, and survival skills that could be crucial in a world struggling to rebuild. From ancient farming techniques to medical remedies, these books offer practical insights for sustenance.

    Cultural Continuity: In times of upheaval, maintaining a sense of cultural continuity and identity is essential for human resilience. Reading the classics can help individuals connect with the past, providing a sense of stability and a reminder of the enduring aspects of human civilization.

    Community Building: The Harvard Classics can serve as a foundation for rebuilding communities. Reading and discussing these texts can foster a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among survivors, helping to rebuild social bonds.

    Problem Solving: Many classic texts offer solutions to complex problems and dilemmas. In a post-apocalyptic world, where challenges are abundant, the ability to think critically and find innovative solutions becomes paramount.

    Ethical Guidance: Classic literature often explores ethical dilemmas and moral principles. Such insights can be invaluable for individuals and communities as they navigate the challenges of a chaotic world, making ethical decisions that uphold humanity's values.
    Mental Resilience: In the face of adversity, mental resilience is crucial. Reading the classics provides intellectual stimulation and an opportunity for mental escape, offering a reprieve from the harsh realities of a post-apocalyptic existence.

    Inspiration for Rebuilding: The stories of resilience, triumph, and human spirit found in classic literature can inspire individuals and communities to persevere and work towards rebuilding a more stable and just society.

    Leadership Development: The Harvard Classics include works on leadership, governance, and strategy. Studying these texts can help individuals acquire leadership skills necessary for guiding and protecting their communities in a post-apocalyptic world.

    Hope and Meaning: In dark times, literature provides hope and a sense of meaning. The stories and ideas found in these texts can inspire individuals to find purpose and envision a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

    Communication and Diplomacy: Effective communication and diplomacy are crucial in a world where cooperation is essential for survival. Classic texts on rhetoric and diplomacy can be valuable resources for those seeking to negotiate and collaborate with other survivors.

    Adaptability and Learning: Surviving in a post-apocalyptic world requires adaptability and the ability to learn quickly. The Harvard Classics can enhance one's adaptability by providing exposure to diverse ideas and problem-solving approaches.

Reading the "Harvard Classics" is a literary journey that offers a multitude of benefits for individuals seeking intellectual enrichment, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of the world's greatest ideas and literature. The Harvard Classics, also known as the "Five-Foot Shelf of Books," is a curated collection of essential works spanning various disciplines, providing readers with a comprehensive education and a unique opportunity for self-improvement.

The Harvard Classics are not just a source of knowledge but a toolkit for survival, resilience, and the rebuilding of civilization. They offer the promise of preserving humanity's intellectual and cultural legacy, serving as a beacon of hope and a means to navigate the challenges of an uncertain future.

Bleach Burn

Secure File Deletion Program

Because "Delete" doesn't mean Erase.

Do you have a file on your computer that you want to obliterate?
Well, it's going to take a lot more than dragging and dropping it
into the little trash can at the corner of your desktop.
Your computer's trash bin only removes a file from your desktop.
And even if you empty the trash bin, it only deletes the virtual
pathway to it. The file is still saved in your hard drive. 

Whether your data is sent to the recycle bin or your entire drive is formatted and repartitioned, the chance of unauthorized discovery is very real and poses issues of risk and liability. Securely wipe, overwrite and delete privileged data with Bleach Burn.

"There are no commercial or black-market file retrieval products that have been known to retrieve a file after this process." - New York Times

Bleach Burn employs advanced erasure options that will defeat software OR hardware forensic recovery. Bleach Burn provides a solution for the critical task of data destruction.
Essential Protection for Privacy - Bleach Burn utilizes wipe methods that exceed standards set by the U.S. Department of Defense. Fully configurable and easy to deploy.

Protecting information is a serious responsibility that may have ethical and legal consequences. Health records, passwords, marketing plans, IP, bids, personnel and payroll data, tax returns, sales contracts, trade secrets and email are examples of sensitive data that may reside on a computer scheduled for disposal. Many have discovered, to their shock and dismay, the significance of unsecured data erasure.

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